Only a little more than 24 hours until the season finale of Lost! I am so freakin excited, but will be super sad to have to wait until February for the next season! Spencer and I started watching the show while the third season was on the air. He got all of the first and second season episodes, and we watched 3 or 4 a night for a few weeks...it was so difficult for us to turn the tv off! Our good friends, Angela & Diane, offered to make us a yummy Dharma cake since we couldn't get babysitters for the finale party they're having. Here's a pic of the last one Diane made (that I didn't get to partake in). I thought it was so cute!

Hope you're having a good "hump day!"
Edit: Diane just brought us this beautiful cake! We're going to have it after our BBQ'd steaks! Yum!

Thank you, Diane! :)
Jessica Watson Photography
Awww. Thanks for posting my humble cake.
Wow. You make it look way better than it was. Thanks!
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