Calvin calls Batman, "Bat-an," and evidently he thinks he's pretty "kewl" because he says it every time he sees something Batman related. We've seen quite a few movies lately (Iron Man, Hulk, Hellboy II) which were all awesome, but Batman has been my favorite so far this summer. I was so happy there was no neon, or silly sidekick. It was a great super hero movie with interesting characters and set design, among other things. It's definitely a movie worth seeing in the theaters, if you haven't already. Calvin got a new "Bat-an" toy at the store today, and he won't put it down for anything!
Jessica Watson Photography
good blog very goods photos, batman is the best!!
And evidently he really likes "Bat-ans melt", probably because Daddy also has a "melt", even if Daddies 'melt' doesn't help him fly like a bad ass. Oh, and Calvin really digs "Bat-ans Ka", because it's makes "Cops Kash!"
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