Monday, April 21, 2008

Saying "No"...

I hope you had a great weekend, and I will be blogging Saturday's wedding soon. Some things to look forward to..."love shack," swing time, and staying cozy by a was a very fun wedding (but not nearly as dirty as that sounds, lol).

Something that I've been thinking about lately, is allowing myself to say 'no' sometimes, and my fear of letting things go. I read about a study that showed how people like to keep their options open, even sometimes to the detriment of themselves, and I feel I tend to take on too many tasks, then end up feeling overwhelmed and not having any time for myself. I'm learning that my son doesn't need to practice every art and sport in the world, and it's okay if some dishes get left in the sink...sometimes it's best to spread out meetings and volunteer work, and even end a relationship. It is always difficult when I choose to close a door, or when it gets closed for me, but in retrospect I'm always happier, and less stressed. So, recently I decided that taking over two hours every Tuesday to take Noah to tennis was a little much, when he already does Kendo and rock climbing. I even thought about hiring someone to clean my bathrooms, but when I brought it up with my husband he said, "No! I'll clean the bathrooms." LOL That was a little nugget of wisdom I learned this week...tell your husband you're going to pay somebody to clean something, and he'll end up doing it for free! ;)

Jessica Watson Photography

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