It's interesting how life works out sometimes. My first shoot with Brad & Cassandra was canceled because of the weather, then last night we decided not to go to the waterfall we had planned on going to, and even almost totally postponed it again, but we decided that if it rained, then that was Portland! By the time I got to Laurelhurst Park, the clouds parted, and the ground was pretty dry. After the park, we walked around 35th & Belmont, and they let me stop every few yards whenever I found some cool place to shoot. I usually end up liking the images better when we do something like that, and I'm really happy with how these turned out. Thanks, you guys! I had a lot of fun, and am looking forward to your wedding in September! Here's some of my faves...

Sitting on the side of the road...isn't it pretty? :)

I wanted to make it look like they were in a field of long grass (instead of on the side of the road...again)

Thanks for looking!
Jessica Watson Photography
Gorgeous, just gorgeous and that is not because I am Cassandra's mother. The photos are simple yet so elegant and their affection for each other shows very well. How talented the photographer is.
Thank you Dorene. That's very sweet of you to say. I look forward to meeting you soon! :)
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