Monday, June 30, 2008

Out of the Office!

The next few weeks I'll be in and out of my office, so I just wanted to let everyone know that it may take a little longer to get back to you and fulfill orders. I'm getting ready to take the kids to the beach tomorrow to play with Spencer's cousins & their kids that came into town. Then I'll be in on Wednesday, editing images, answering e-mails, fulfilling orders, and preparing to go back to the beach on Thursday for Tiffany & Jason's wedding. Friday obviously is a holiday, so I'll be BBQ'ing with the fam (and will try NOT to sit at the computer, but I'm sure I will at least part of the day). :) Saturday I'm shooting Nick & Renee's wedding at Mt. Tabor. The week of the 6th I'll be editing like crazy because I have the 12th & 13th off to relax, but I'm also taking that entire next week off (13th-18th). I will be answering e-mails, but will not be available for any shoots or meetings.

FYI, I am completely booked until October 25th, but have a couple e-sessions I need to schedule, however, I will not be doing anymore sessions in August or September.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. I will work hard, rest up, and be refreshed to finish off the season. :) I hope your summer is going well, and you are able to find time to spend with your loved ones.

Jessica Watson Photography

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