Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of

the...who really cares?? I couldn't even make it through the entire movie! The previews made it look so good, but there goes Lucas and Spielberg messing up another classic! So, the movie was crap, but you know what the most adorable and yummy things are in the (my) world right now?

Indiana Jones Legos, and...wait for it...the delicious crispy mint Indiana Jones M&M's! When I saw those in the store, I grabbed a bag without a second thought to my diet, and they were totally worth it. Yummm...

Isn't he adorable? I got Noah two of the smaller sets this weekend, although Calvin loves the movies too. You should hear him sing the Indiana Jones theme song...pretty freakin' cute!

My apologies to anyone who liked the 4th Indiana Jones movie...but have you actually seen the other 3? :)

Hope you're having a great week in the rain. lol Looks like it should clear up soon, though. I'll be posting some images from Saturday's wedding shortly. I have a TON of images to go through!

Jessica Watson Photography

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh My God. Thank you. I made it through the movie, but I rolled my eyes a lot. It was over the top and in a bad CGI way, not a cool really being dragged behind a truck or fighting on a tank way. To Spielberg's credit, I think it was Lucas who screwed it up. See: Star Wars I, II, III. The main redeeming factor was Cate. But she's hot and I love her.